Pumping station Rotterdamsedijk

The photography for this panorama has taken 2.5 years. Here's how that happened.

I stumbled upon this gem of industrial heritage one day only minutes before it closed. I hurried to set up my gear, only to find out my memory card was full halfway through shooting. I switched memory cards and continued shooting, only to find out at home that I lost one of the 6 shots. Panorama lost... Two and a half years later, I had another chance to enter the building, but this time I only had my camera with me, none of my other gear. Even so, I could finally complete my panorama.

Interactive Panoramas

By interactively manipulating the perspective in a 360 x 180 degree panoramic image, you can get a sense of "being there".

Have a look around

All of the images above can be explored interactively. Click in the middle of the image and hold down the mouse button. Then drag the mouse gently in the direction you want to turn the camera to. If you want to stop moving the camera, release the mouse button.